Decision Support System Majoring Studens with Methods Elimination Et Choix Transduisant La Realite

Rahmad Dian, Cyntia Lasmi Andesti


Majors are one of the stages at the High School (SMA) level. Determination of student majors is carried out based on the subject group that is mastered and desired, majors greatly affect the future of a student. For this reason, a decision support system is needed that can assist in processing student data which helps the school in determining the right major according to the abilities and desires of students. This decision support system uses the Elimination Et Choix Transduisant La Realite (ELECTRE) method. This method works by comparing alternatives on the same criteria in order to obtain optimal results, and is supported by the Visual Basic 2010 programming language and the MySQL database. The results of this research report are student placements. This application is expected to provide convenience to schools, especially Guidance Counseling (BK) teachers in determining the right major.

 Keywords: Decision Support System; Electre; SMA

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