Reksa Qodri Assidik, Sriyanto Sriyanto


Kontes robot terbang Indonesia (KRTI) ialah kompetisi pesawat tanpa awak sangat bergengsi di indonesia yang diselenggarakan oleh kementrian riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan tinggi Republik Indonesia melalui Pusat Prestasi Nasional yang digunakan bagi seluruh universitas di Indonesia.pada perlombaan ini peserta wajib membuat pesawat tanpa awak dengan system kendali sebagai control pesawat dan membuat Ground Control Station (GCS). Yang dimana wahana harus bisa mengudara dan melakukan misi sesuai dengan peraturan yang tertera pada juknis lomba.Pada penelitian ini dikhususkan dalam pengamanan data saat pengiriman ke Ground Control Station.pembuatan Ground Control Station menggunakan Node.js dalam perancangan desain front end serta back end dan nilai yang nanti dikirim peneliti menggunakan alat rancangan sederhana dengan menggunakan Arduino Mega sebagai controller pengiriman data , sensor yang dipakai menggunakan pakai Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Mpu 6050 dan Global Positioning System (GPS) Neo 8m, serta telemetry yang dipakai adalah NRF24l01. Pada proses pengiriman ditambahkan algoritma Cyclic Redudancy Check (CRC) yang berfungsi sebagai nilai checksum.Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dengan mengirimkan 11 data sensor dengan menggunakan checksum didapati jumlah data sensor yang masuk kedalam Ground Control Station masih aman dan dapat meminimalisir terjadinya kerusakan pada paket data. Dan menggunakan Cyclic Redudancy Check (CRC) sebagai checksum inetgritas data yang diterima terjaga cukup baik , karna algoritma Cyclic Redudancy Check (CRC) mampu membuang data yang tidak lengkap / rusak.

Kata kunci : KRTI , Ground Control Station, Cyclic Redudancy Check



The Indonesian Flying Robot Contest (KRTI) is a very prestigious unmanned aircraft competition in Indonesia which is organized by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia through the National Achievement Center which is used by all universities in Indonesia. In this competition participants are required to create a drone with a control system to control the aircraft and create a Ground Control Station (GCS). Where the vehicle must be able to air and carry out missions in accordance with the regulations stated in the competition technical guidelines. This research is devoted to securing data when sending it to the Ground Control Station. Making the Ground Control Station using Node.js in designing the front end and back end and value which will be sent by researchers using a simple design tool using an Arduino Mega as a data sending controller, the sensors used use an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Mpu 6050 and Global Positioning System (GPS) Neo 8m, and the telemetry used is NRF24l01. In the sending process, a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) algorithm was added which functions as a checksum value. Based on the test results by sending 11 sensor data using a checksum, it was found that the amount of sensor data entering the Ground Control Station was still safe and could minimize damage to data packets. And using Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) as a checksum, the integrity of the data received is maintained quite well, because the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) algorithm is able to discard incomplete/damaged data.

Keywords: KRTI, Ground Control Station, Cyclic Redundancy Check

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